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Inspiratif! Ibu tanpa lengan tetap semangat berjuang menyusui bayinya

Ketika foto ibu menyusui tanpa lengan tersebar secara online, warganet di seluruh dunia turut bersimpati dan memuji ketegaran ibu asal Tiongkok berusia 28 tahun ini.
Chiang Liep Ping, baru berusia 4 tahun ketika dia terkena sambaran petir. Kejadian tersebut membuat ia kehilangan dua lengannya. Akan tetapi, dia tidak pernah mengeluh. Dia tetap bersyukur karena masih diberi kesempatan hidup. Dia menggunakan kakinya sebagai pengganti tangan.
ibu menyusui tanpa lengan

Perempuan yang akrab disapa Ping Ping ini, bisa melakukan semua yang dilakukan orang normal, kecuali memakai baju. Dia harus dibantu untuk memakai baju.
Karena kekurangan fisiknya, Ping Ping tidak pernah sekolah. Namun, dia jauh lebih cerdas daripada saudara-saudaranya yang bersekolah. Ping Ping belajar dan mencari informasi tentang dunia luar melalui internet.
Ketika kisahnya sebagai ibu menyusui tanpa lengan tersebar ke dunia maya. Banyak orang yang tertarik padanya, mendatangi rumahnya untuk sekadar tahu kondisi Ping Ping yang sebenarnya.
Berikut adalah video tentang Ping Ping, ibu menyusui tanpa lengan yang telah menginspirasi banyak orang.
Meskipun Ping Ping tidak memiliki lengan seperti ibu pada umumnya, namun, dia tidak mengabaikan kebutuhan bayinya untuk menerima ASI dari tubuhnya.
Semua ibu ingin memberikan yang terbaik untuk bayinya, termasuk Ping Ping. Dan ketika kisah Ping Ping sebagai ibu menyusui tanpa lengan tersebar di internet, semua orang berdecak kagum padanya.
Lebih daripada itu, Ping Ping berharap suatu saat dia bisa memiliki lengan buatan agar bisa bekerja dan mendapatkan penghasilan. Terutama untuk membantu menafkahi keluarganya.
ibu menyusui tanpa lenganPing Ping, ibu menyusui tanpa tangan yang selalu berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk bayinya.

Pelajaran yang bisa diambil dari kisah ibu menyusui tanpa lengan

Apa yang dilakukan Ping Ping tentu saja membuat kita semua terinspirasi. Dia tidak menyerah dengan kekurangan fisik yang ia miliki, dan tetap berusaha memberikan yang terbaik bagi anaknya.
Bagi Anda yang memiliki kekurangan seperti Ping Ping, jangan pernah menyerah. Apapun pilihan Anda, Anda tetaplah ibu sempurna.
Bila masih mampu memberikan ASI, mintalah bantuan petugas medis untuk bisa belajar menyusui bayi Anda sendiri. Bila tidak, susu formula bisa diberikan. Yang harus diutamakan adalah kebutuhan bayi. Jangan sampai dia kelaparan dan kekurangan nutrisi yang ia butuhkan.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Sumber: id.theasianparent.com
If you are thinking of entering the food business, the very common question you might think about is if you want to invest in a restaurant or if you give yourself a trailer, train or truck. With rising costs, heavy schedules, moving lifestyles and food demand while traveling, food trucks or carts are becoming very popular, especially among the young. Most restaurant activities fail because of bad locations, lack of experience, lack of funds, or poor inventory management. And the food truck serves food to lick their fingers, easy to take to work or comfortable for a simple lunch or dinner together. So, if you want to plunge into your own business in the food industry, you must buy a well designed, well designed and functional airflow that can bring your dreams of food alive to life. There are several companies that can offer good quality airflow and you can adjust your airflow according to your needs and taste. Not only strong and made of weatherproof materials, so you can run your business even in bad weather conditions that are a necessity for mobile companies like this, but the airflow also has a modern and sophisticated interior and complete service that will further enhance your food business . So, here we have collected some reasons why you need to invest in private airflow for your food truck business. Visible. 1. Low investment Compared to the restaurant in a sitting position, the food truck in the airflow is a much lower investment because there is no need to buy land or agriculture. All you have to do is regulate your airflow with the right equipment, such as grill, heat lamp, drains or other cooking utensils you may need. In addition, you will also have a low operating cost in terms of airflow. You do not have to hire a lot of staff like servers, cleaners, kitchen managers, cashiers and some chefs. You only have to pay cooks, groceries, and gas when it comes to important expenses. And property taxes will also be much lower. In addition, the maintenance of the restaurant, including furniture, equipment, decoration, piping work, etc. It takes a lot of time and money, which is much lower in airflow. 2. Interesting food concept Along with the quality of good food, which also varies from company to company, nowadays food trucks have become a real rage thanks to its fascinating and refreshingly fresh appeal. And further airflow can contribute to this unique idea. You can only find companies that offer special airflow for sale and then design your airflow in whatever way you want. Usually, trucks or trailers should not be elegantly decorated like sophisticated sophisticated restaurants in elegant surroundings. They should have a fun, casual, and more street-style attitude that makes you more accessible to customers. And that's why doing your restaurant business on wheels can be an interesting idea that draws a lot of attention from people. 3. Position changes The restaurant's lively street depends on the location. There are many catering companies that are closed due to poor location choices. However, with a food or truck towing activity carried out with the help of airflow, you do not have to worry about its position because it keeps your business moving. You can choose the desired position and the best part is that you can go back to another position to check for the possibility of getting higher profits. So start immediately with the truck or trailer business, quickly buying the right airflow from a reputable company.

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