13 Penyebab Mengapa Anda Sulit Menurunkan Berat Badan
Mesothelioma from asbestos exposure
Asbestos is known to be harmful to our health and can be found almost anywhere around us. Inhaling too much can cause mesothelioma contractions which can be fatal. Asbestos contains fiber, which is easily inhaled but also a problem for our lungs to be removed.
Mesothelioma from asbestos exposure is the most common way to have this often deadly disease. Contamination depends on the environment, the level and duration of exposure and the age at which you are exposed to these particles. These asbestos fibers each have different physical characteristics that play different roles in the risk of disease. The longer, the thinner, the easier it is to settle into the lungs, while the curls are more likely to attach. Transmission of the disease is not a problem one night, because the effect will only occur after years of exposure (in some rare cases only a few years). You can be exposed directly to asbestos through places, buildings or objects, but also from people exposed to asbestos before.
The most common place for exposure to asbestos is industrial sites. It is also possible to be exposed when working with old insulation in every building, because the old type isolation is known to contain asbestos. Plumbers working in small, non-ventilated ship compartments that weld tubes or plasters that work on a spray fire on steel beams and the risk of contracting mesothelioma from asbestos exposure can also be exposed. This is also common for shipyard workers and Navy personnel to be exposed as well as maintenance workers and steel workers.
There are many materials and buildings around us containing asbestos. In a building, pipes and boilers will contain insulation made from asbestos. Likewise cement and plaster that comes in dust. Above all, many roof and floor tiles also contain asbestos. Brakes and grip on the vehicle can also contain asbestos.
Workers who do demolition work, especially in older buildings, must be careful not to contact mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. These workers must use a respirator to filter the air and ensure that the demolition area is sealed so that less asbestos dust is released into the public area.
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